MOVO is the fastest Layer 2 blockchain

Movo Chain
Speed, Security, and User-Centricity

Smart Contract Flexibility

Enabling mass adoption of digital assets

Security and Trust.

Build with MOVO-Chain.

The backbone of Movo Coin's capabilities lies in its powerful infrastructure with transactional throughput reaching an impressive 20,000 ops, Movo Coin paves the way for large-scale adoption of digital assets.
Speed and Scalability.

Leveraging Twin-Turbo Consensus

This advancement ensures that modern applications can function seamlessly, making Movo Coin the ideal choice for enterprises seeking high-performance solutions.

Transaction Bundling

Multiple levels of transaction bundling, enhancing efficiency and reducing transaction costs. This feature ensures that users can manage their assets without incurring unnecessary expenses, further incentivizing the adoption of digital assets

Green Initiative.

Movo Coin takes a pioneering step towards sustainability with its green initiative. By implementing energy-efficient consensus algorithms and reducing carbon footprint, the platform exemplifies responsible blockchain technology.

Dynamic Sharding.

Movo Coin pioneers dynamic sharding, an adaptive approach to network partitioning that optimizes resource allocation and enhances scalability. This feature ensures consistent performance as the platform grows, without compromising security.
Public RPC Nodes

Mainnet MOVO RPC Nodes

- Fullname: Movo Smart Chain Mainnet
- ChainID: 2049
- Symbol: MOVO

Tip: You can add the Movo Smart Chain network by clicking on the "Add Movo Network" button at the footer of

Movo Smart Chain?

Movo is secured by some of the most well-respected institutions and validators in the world.

Community Coin:

The majority of MOVO coin (51%) are allocated to the community as follows:

Ecosystem Reserve: 48% - Allocated to sustain the ecosystem and reward stakeholders.
Staking Rewards: MOVO holders can stake their coins and receive rewards, while validators play a crucial role in network security and governance.
Ecosystem Initiatives: Movo coin are distributed via grants and incentives to contributors, builders, validators, and other network participants.
Start Programming
MOVO Airdrops and Incentives:

A portion of the MOVO supply is dedicated to airdrops, incentivized testnet rewards

A portion of the MOVO supply is dedicated to airdrops, incentivized testnet rewards, and ongoing programs to actively distribute MOVO within the user and community base.
Foundation Treasury: 10% - Allocated for ongoing MOVO Foundation operations.